My current plan is to publish the main information on this website as a relatively inexpensive black and white print on demand book. Significant effort will be required to copyedit, format, index, and develop a cover for the book. That effort will take some time. This website has the current version of the information.
In the meantime, I would appreciate learning about any spelling, typing, grammatical, or other errors in the writing on this website. Anyone who notices such errors can contact me at
Jim Kennedy
Chapters in the Book
Introduction: Background, Purpose, and Example Archive Projects
1. Basic Principles of Archiving Photographs and Documents
2. Good and Best Practices for Making Digital Images
3. Setting Tone and Color in Master Images
4. Documentation for Historical Images
5. Preparation and Display of Historical Photographs and Documents
6. Good and Best Practices for Making Audio Recordings
7. Preparation and Presentation of Historical Audio Recordings
9. Copyrights and Other Legal Rights
B. Overview of Scanning Software
C. Effective Resolution of Scanners
D. Using Copy Stands with Cameras
Other Resources
`Guidance on Using Scanning Software
Guidance on Using Slide Show Software
This website and book were developed by Jim Kennedy.
Email:© 2012 James E. Kennedy